Sunday, 8 November 2009

Year 4: Summary of the classes


-We corrected exercises on adverbs
-We started studying File 2A, which deals with the vocabulary of health and medicine and revises first and second conditionals.
- SS completed Vocabulary Builder 5 Health and Medicine, p.130.
- Julia told us that there wasn't a public health service in the USA and she explained us how the American private medicine worked.


- We finished correcting exercises on vocabulary, p.130
-Reading and listening practice: Help! My friend's choking and The day my little boy swallowed a tomato, copy 1C 13.
-Vocabulary: Illness and Treatment, copy 147
-Speaking practice: At Julia's time SS did four different roleplays to practise the vocabulary of medicine. The As pretended to be a family doctor and The Bs a patient.
-SS did the questonnaire Are you a hypochondriac?, p. 22

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