Sunday, 29 November 2009

Year 4: Test Dates

Here you are the test dates for this term:
-Writing and Reading: Thursday 10 December
-Listening and Use of English: Tuesday 15 December
- Speaking: Thursday 17 December

Year 4: Summary of the classes

Week of November 24-26, 2009

-SS did revision exercises on future forms, section 5 p.22.

-SS went through an e-mail and checked it for spelling mistakes, p. 31. Then I checked their answers and we read some rules for spelling on page 141.

-SS extended and revised their knowledge of the vocabulary of computer and science doing the Science and computers quiz, p.31 and the exercises on page 131.

- Listening practice: SS listened to part of a science-fiction story, p. 28

- Julia talked us about the history of Thanksgiving day and explained the way Americans celebrated this holiday.

- Pronunciation practice: the letter y, p. 31

- We started File 2C, entitled Hooked on Caffeine, and worked on sections 1 and 2, p.32.
Group A: Check your punctuation section, p.141
Group B: You have to read the text Confessions of a Coffee addict, p.33

Year 1: Test Dates

Here you are the test dates for this term:
-Writing and Reading: Wednesday 9 December
- Listening and Use of English: Monday 14 December
-Speaking: Wednesday 16 December
Good Luck!!

Year 1: Summary of the week

Monday, 23 and Wednesday, 25 November
-We finished File 2C.
-Julia talked us about Thansgiving day, which is celebrated on the last Thursday of November.
-We corrected exercises on a/an, this/these, that/those c.143
-We started File 2D and studied the possessive s, p. 22 and 124.
-Group B only: Students learnt family vocabulary and started compliting two family trees, p.145.
Group A: section 2D, exercise b, p.125
Group B: section 2D, exercises a and b, p.125
Happy Thanksgiving Day!

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Year 4: Summary of the class

-Last Thursday SS gave in their homework, p.21. Then, we corrected exercises on page 23 and went through the differences between first and second conditionals, Section 5, p. 25.

-You have to read the text 10 things you probably never knew about the common cold for homework. Try to guess any new words from the context or look them up in a dictionary, if however you don't comprehend the text, let me know on Tuesday.

-(Group A only) At Julia's time we were reading the article Unhealthy America by Nicholas D. Kristof, who revealed how precarious America's health care system was.

- SS listened to four people talking about alternative medicine, p. 26

-(Group B only) We went through linkers and connectors and SS completed text 2 on page 142.

HOMEWORK: (Group B only) Write a for and against composition entitled What are the advantages and disadvantages of the public health service in Spain? (instructions p. 26). Remember you have to use as many connectors as possible and the vocabulary of health and medicine.

Deadline: Thursday 19 November (If you aren't coming to class, you can send me your compositions to my e-mail address)

Monday, 16 November 2009

Year1: Summary of the class

Wednesday 11 November


-We corrected exercises on page 143.

-We studied and revise present simple in questions. Then students did exercises 2B A and B, p.125. If you're still having problems with the present simple, watch the following video and do these exercises:

Pronunciation practice:

- We listened to some consonant sounds and, p. 17.

Speaking practice:

At Carina's time, students practised the present simple in positive and negative sentences by describing two brothers, copy p. 189.

Listening practice: Students listened to conversation on page 18 (file 2B).

Writing practice:

-Completing a form

Homework for next Wednesday:

Write a short composition about you (instructions p. 13)

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Year 1: Summary of the class

- Last Monday we were reading the text Typically British? on p.16
-We studied the present simple in possitive and negative sentences. Then, students did exercises A and B, p.125.
-At Julia's time, students completed the form A typical _____family choosing the words that fitted a typical Spanish family best, p. 17. Then Julia told us what things were the same/different in a typical American family.
Vocabulary Bank Verb phrases on p.143

Sunday, 8 November 2009

Year 4: specially /especially

Are you still having problems with these adverbs? The following sites may help you distinguish these confusing adverbs:

Year 4: Summary of the classes


-We corrected exercises on adverbs
-We started studying File 2A, which deals with the vocabulary of health and medicine and revises first and second conditionals.
- SS completed Vocabulary Builder 5 Health and Medicine, p.130.
- Julia told us that there wasn't a public health service in the USA and she explained us how the American private medicine worked.


- We finished correcting exercises on vocabulary, p.130
-Reading and listening practice: Help! My friend's choking and The day my little boy swallowed a tomato, copy 1C 13.
-Vocabulary: Illness and Treatment, copy 147
-Speaking practice: At Julia's time SS did four different roleplays to practise the vocabulary of medicine. The As pretended to be a family doctor and The Bs a patient.
-SS did the questonnaire Are you a hypochondriac?, p. 22

Year 1: Summary of the classes

-Practical English lesson: On a plane, page 12

Students learnt vocabulary for drinks and how to offer and accept them.
At Carina's time students roleplayed a dialogue between a waiter/waitress and a customer so that they could practise the new vocabulary. Then, some students volunteered to roleplay the dialogues in front of their classmates.
- Revision: What do you remember? and What can you do? pages 14-15
- We started studying File 2
Group A, You have to read the text Typically British? on page 16
Group B, You have to complete the form on page 13

Thursday, 5 November 2009

Year 4: Happy Guy Fawkes!

If you want to learn more about the origin of Guy Fawkes Night or Bonfire Night click here.
You can also watch this video that tells the story of Guy Fawkes Night and why British people celebrate it on the evening of 5 November.